Merriman Market Analyst

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Merriman Market Analyst

Innovative market timing solutions, leveraging a combination of advanced analytical methodologies.

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Empowering Investors with Market Insights - Merriman Market Analyst combines decades of expertise with innovative tools to give investors a unique edge in navigating financial markets. Through market timing, geocosmic cycles, and technical analysis, we provide resources and education to help traders make informed decisions and take control of their financial future.

Scorecard 2024

A Track Record of Performance

Economic and Market Forecasts for 2024
Bitcoin Forecast Graph

Bitcoin Recommendation (September 25, 2023)

MMA Weekly Report, Gianni Di Poce’s recommendation was, “…Try the long side again this week on a drop to 26,000 +/- 200 with a stop loss on a weekly close below 24,925.”

The Results

Bitcoin exploded to new all-time highs in the coming weeks and months.

Copper Forecast Graph

Copper Recommendation (October 17, 2023)

MMA Monthly Cycles Report, MMA’s recommendation was, “In this case, we should not wait too long before the primary bottom is hit for good: the time bands for primary, half-primary, and trading cycles overlap between October 16 and 25. If the primary bottom is not yet in, we thus expect it to form on October 28, +/- 3 trading days. If so, it will most certainly be below 3.5450, implying a bearish ending to this primary cycle.”

November 7 (PT price target): “(…) our price target areas for this primary cycle are 3.94-4.06, and 4.20-4.39 on a breakout.”

The Results

Stocks exploded to 3.9740 on December 27, and new all-time highs in April 2024.

Dow Jones Industrial Average Forecast Graph

DJIA Recommendation (November 13, 2023)

MMA Weekly Cycles Report, Gianni Di Poce’s recommendation was, “.. try the long side on a drop to 34,000 +/- 60 with a stop loss on a daily close below 33,274, or go long on a daily close above 34,440 with a stop loss on a weekly close below 33,390 – whichever happens first.”

The Results

Stocks exploded to new all-time highs in the coming weeks and months.

Gold Forecast Graph

Gold Recommendation (October 2, 2023)

MMA Weekly Report (full and Gold), Ray Merriman’s recommendation was, “Let’s go long at 1825 +/- 10 with a stop-loss on a close below 1790.”

The Results

Gold bottomed at 1823.50 that week. By December 4, less than two months later, it traded as high as 2152.

Soybeans Forecast Graph

Soybeans Recommendation (January 29, 2024)

MMA Weekly Report, Wyatt Fellows recommended, “Try the short side on any rally back to the 15-day moving average early this week. If filled exit 1/3 at 1185.00 +/- 5.00. Use a stop loss on a weekly close above 1260.00 for now.”

The Results

Soybeans rallied to 1223.00 on Wednesday, January 31 with the 15-day moving average coming in at 1222.00 on that day. Soybeans proceeded to fall for the next 4 weeks into a primary cycle low, reaching a price of 1128.50 on February 29 and 1115.00 in the March contract.

T-Notes Graph

T-Notes Recommendation (April 10, 2023)

MMA Monthly Cycles Report, Gianni Di Poce’s recommendation was, “…sell short at current price levels with a stop loss and revert back long on a close above 117/05… On this initial short position, look to cover 1/3 on a drop to 111/11 +/- 6 if offered.”

The Results

T-Notes began a multi-month decline down to a low of 105/10.5 in October 2023.

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Utilizing sophisticated research methodologies, we offer avant-garde tools that grant unparalleled foresight. Our arsenal seamlessly integrates Cycles, Geocosmic Signatures, and Trend Analysis patterns, empowering discerning investors with invaluable market interpretation capabilities.

Join us in navigating the intricacies of the financial landscape, where precision and efficacy converge. Subscribe to Merriman Market Analyst and embark on a path to informed and strategic investment decisions.


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Our comprehensive approach to market prediction provides unparalleled insights and market-beating results.

Drawing from diverse backgrounds in commodities and currencies, our global team of analysts offers a comprehensive understanding of global markets. This breadth of experience enables them to identify unique opportunities and navigate fluctuations with precision, delivering strategic insights that drive success for our clients worldwide.


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In their words

I'd like to thank everyone at MMA for excellent work this year. Due to your services, I have uncovered a passionate interest in financial market timing and astrology, and I have been able to turn my investing journey from one of stress and frustration to one of excitement and enjoyment. Reading your reports has become a highlight of my day.

- Will H

Wow! I was so excited speaking with Ray. Your work so far this year is unbelievable, I had to back test your monthly newsletters started trading it Dec 28. All your 1–3-star CRD’s are hitting as I trade TNA and TZA. So far amazing results.

- Gary L

I want to give you rave reviews on your work... ...I've been working through your 5 book series and I have to say they've really filled in gaps and have put my analysis and trading on steroids. This is some incredible work.

- Brad N

The Daily Report is the best investment ever made, it simply confirms some of my own calculations, but most important it is a real confidence booster. It really clears up the short term to survive the long term. Absolutely priceless.

- Charlie H

Thanks to Raymond Merriman, I have closed 36 trades this year with a win rate of 86%. Ray’s predictive ability is remarkable. No one predicts more accurately. I highly recommend his daily newsletter which covers many markets.

- Robert W

You projection of a major market turn in the Oct 1 Market Outlook - a week in advance - was truly incredible. BIG Congratulations.

- David L

That was a spectacular webinar you put on (February 18, 2024)! I watched it from beginning to end. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for speaking on the term, “Aries Vortex“. The webinar covered every possible question I could come up with, and you gave succinct and direct advice.

- Daniel G

Today's webcast was extraordinary! The graphics are superior including the background in your presentation; adding Gianni, Matthieu, and Wyatt takes it to the next level.

- Richard B

Your life’s work is insightful, enlightening, and inspiring. My perspective on the markets, and perhaps life, have changed dramatically since being gifted the privilege of joining MMTA2. I am extremely grateful for having been given the opportunity to learn directly from you.

- Kyle M

Doing these research projects and really dissecting the cotton market during this course has allowed me to trade cotton very successfully over the last year. It is extremely rewarding to do the work and then to watch it unfold according to plan.

- Wyatt F

Frequently Asked Questions

What are geocosmic patterns and cycles, and how do they work?

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Do geocosmic signatures and cycles have any influence on the stock market?

Absolutely. The Earth’s environment is constantly bombarded by subtle energies from celestial bodies like planets, the sun, and even the moon. These energies, along with astronomical cycles, can influence human behavior and mass psychology, which ultimately impacts markets.


How can geocosmic signatures and cycles be used to predict stock market trends?

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Can geocosmic signatures identify potential market shifts?

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Are geocosmic signatures sole predictors of market trends?

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