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March 1, 2024


 The Nikkei stock index recorded last week its first new high in 34 years, a fitting tribute to Japan’s re-emergence as a genuinely exciting economy. It also comes amid mounting evidence that Japan has finally broken the hold of deflation. — Greg Ip, “Japan Is Back. Is Inflation the Reason?” Wall Street Journal, February 29, 2024.

The prelude to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of April 21 is already working out as we expected. Uranus is excitement and breakouts to new long-term highs, and Jupiter is the principle of abundance, optimism, and exaggeration. Last week, several global stock indices soared to new all-time highs, including Japan’s Nikkei (after 34 years of being in the financial “Dark Ages”), the U.S.’s S&P and Nasdaq, the German DAX, Australia’s ASX, and India’s NIFTY index. And the DJIA hit its high the previous week on Friday, February 23rd.

Yet, it is not just equity markets that are soaring. Gold is on the brink of making a new all-time high, as is Bitcoin. Crude Oil broke above $80.00 during the day on Friday for the first time in four months. And the Dollar/Yen is flirting with its highest price in 34 years, too.

The thing about Jupiter/Uranus is that it has a history of breaking to new all-time highs in various financial markets, oftentimes slightly before the aspect and sometimes lasting a few months afterward. It would be welcomed if there was a sharp decline in these markets sometime before the aspect is exact. But as Jupiter/Uranus is already exhibiting its powerful force to new highs, there is little to suggest this freight train will stop before reaching its next station, scheduled for April 20.


 The technology might finally bend copyright past the breaking point, upending what it means to have a creative society in the process. Who would spend all that time and emotional energy writing a book if anyone could rip the thing off without consequence? This is the sentiment behind at least nine recent copyright-infringement lawsuits against companies that are using tens of thousands of copyrighted books—at least—to train generative-AI systems. One of the suits alleges “systematic theft on a mass scale.” — Alex Reisner, “Generative AI Is Challenging a 234-Year-Old Law,” The Atlantic, February 29, 2024

Elon Musk sued OpenAI and its Chief Executive Sam Altman, alleging they broke the artificial-intelligence company’s founding agreement by giving priority to profit over the benefits to humanity. — Gareth Vipers and Sam Schechner, “Elon Musk Sues OpenAI, Sam Altman, Saying They Abandoned Founding Mission,” Wall Street Journal Online, March 1, 2024.

Thanks to rapidly changing demographics, U.S. companies are facing a historic talent drain. The solution is to move past ageism and invest in older employees. — Michael Clinton, “The Seismic Shift That’s About to Change the American Workplace,” Esquire, February 13, 2024.

Well, actually, there are shorter-term planetary aspects that could coincide with a sudden and sharp decline before April 20. One of these periods of intense geocosmic activity will be in effect March 3-9. These aspects are not as powerful as the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, which could easily dominate the market psychology to the point that everyone just continues to rush in and buy the breakouts. Yet the aspects in effect next week contain the same planets that will be active on April 20: Jupiter and Uranus. So the question is: Will these lesser aspects together be strong enough to produce a short but sharp reversal? Or will the Jupiter/Uranus dynamic just continue to overwhelm any effort to pause, let alone pull back, until it reaches April 20? With Uranus, you never know if it will continue its wild ascent or if it will suddenly reverse. With Jupiter, you know that whatever it does, it won’t be in a measured, gradual way. Everything is exaggerated, which means if the rise continues without pause, the decline to follow will likely be vicious. The higher they go, the harder they fall.

The geocosmic possibility of a reversal this week rests on Venus square Uranus on March 3, Jupiter semi-square Neptune on March 4, and Mars square Uranus on March 9. The semi-square of Jupiter and Neptune brings the return of “irrational exuberance” to the psychology of the investment world. Everyone wants to get aboard this blast-off. But if and when it ends, the exuberance may transform into a mini-panic (or maybe even a full-blown panic) as those holding shares cannot get out (sell) fast enough.

What could cause panic? Well, Uranus, the Disruptor, who — like a moth to the flame — cannot stay away from chaos. When it’s not breaking resistance or support to new highs or lows, it can suddenly reverse direction as unexpected events erupt. It can be like an earthquake. The narrative suddenly changes from “going to the moon” to hysteria and shock. Any break of support this week could lead to an exaggerated decline that reflects the amplitude of the rise.

The Lunar North Node is also conjoining Chiron now. Someone will get hurt. Lives have already been lost in the mobs and chaos unfolding with the humanitarian efforts in Gaza. But it could also manifest in the trading of financial markets that are out of control. I would think by the time Mars squares Uranus next weekend, we will know if the danger is in the financial realm as well as in the realm of human safety.

Bottom line: no one knows for sure if the markets will continue soaring to new highs or suddenly reverse. But the possibility of a sudden reversal this week is real (via geocosmic studies) given the three major aspects unfolding this next week, March 3-9. Be alert. Don’t be complacent.


“The Medici family has always known that art is the highest form of power.” — Christopher Hibbert, The House of Medici, Harper Collins, 1999.

“‘A man who desires revenge should dig two graves.’ – Confucius.” Hrvoje Milakovic, 22 Best Shogun Quotes Every Fan Needs to Know,, February 27, 2024.

 I like to watch movies, especially epic historical dramas. I just finished one and am now beginning another that I will share with readers who also like large, historical, epic movies. The reason I like these movies or TV series is because of 1) their historical themes that tie into long-term planetary cycles and 2) their ability to transform my awareness to another emotional and spiritual level when produced well, as these two productions do.

The series that I just finished is called “Medici,” a TV series on Netflix that was first shown in 2016-2019. I am not sure why I missed it when it came out. But upon returning from a vacation a couple of weeks ago, I saw that my house sitter had been watching it. I was always intrigued by the Medici history, and I even gave a presentation on their legacy to the banking world at a conference held in Florence in 2006. The Netflix version is grand, and if you like politics, romance, power, and intrigue, this is not to be missed.

For that matter, neither is the newly released version of “Shōgun,” which is being aired weekly on FX. I read the book by James Clavell every decade, just to remind myself of the wisdom of Japanese Buddhism, as portrayed by the powerful characters Toranaga (Shōgun) and Mariko-San. Like Medici and even more, this series takes me to another level of awareness on a spiritual/emotional level that I can only describe as “deeply moving.”

Medici takes place during the 1400s Italian Renaissance. During this unique time, there were planetary patterns involving Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, similar to today’s alignments. The series Shōgun takes place in the early 1600s. It was during this time that the element signage of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle made a 200-year switch from the element of Water to Fire. In December 2020, we made another element switchover from Earth to Air for the Great Mutation. These are reminders that we are living in a time of great historical importance when the arc of humanity is leaving one era behind and starting a vastly different one. It helps to have a long view of history to remind us of these things and, more so, to help guide the world through these epic times of turbulence and transformation.

It makes you wonder who history will judge as the leaders of this new modern-day renaissance: Elon Musk or Sam Altman. Or someone else. Maybe someone born during the “Capricorn Climax,” when Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all cojoined in 1988-1993. Their time is coming by the next Saturn/Uranus conjunction in 2032.


 NOTE 1: OPTIONS STRATEGIES FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS, March 16, 2024, 1 PM EDT, presented by Derek Panaia and Raymond Merriman. This event is timed to identify top candidates for potentially big price moves into the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of April 21. We think the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction could be explosive for some financial and commodity markets, and it is thus worthy of a limited but favorable risk/reward options strategy if correct. The cost to attend is $95. Note: All participants should have a basic understanding of options before attending this presentation. To register, click here.

If you do not have a basic understanding of options, we recommend that you purchase the recording of the Workshop “Introduction to Options Webinar” that was given by Derek on December 10, 2023. The cost of the 3-hour workshop recording is $250. However, you can sign up for the BUNDLE of both the upcoming March 16 Workshop and the December 10th Introductory Course Recording for $225 (a savings of $120) by clicking here.

NOTE 2: New Video on How to Use MMA’s “Solar/Lunar Reversal Dates for Trading” is now available at no cost on the MMA YouTube channel or by clicking here. We receive a lot of inquiries on how to use those solar/lunar reversal dates that we list in our daily, weekly, and monthly reports. So, we decided to make a video illustrating how to use these market timing dates for short-term trades, using the current Gold and Bitcoin markets as an example. In this video, you will see how the “setup” is determined, and what to do once you enter a solar/lunar reversal zone under the right setup for a one-day to two-week “swing” trade.

 NOTE 3: THE MMA’s Annual Forecast 2024 Webinar Recording is now available!!! This broadcast addressed themes from this year’s Forecast 2024 book, with updates on the U.S. stock market, Bitcoin, Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, and Natural Gas. It covered strategies of each market based on the possibility of big moves related to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of April 21 and afterward. The recording of this excellent presentation is available for $55 at Forecast 2024 Webinar.

Here are a couple of comments on last week’s webinar:

“That was a spectacular webinar you put on! I watched it from beginning to end. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! The webinar covered every possible question I could come up with, and you gave succinct and direct advice. This webinar is the best performance I’ve ever seen you give.” – D.G., Astro-Researcher.

“I think that was your best webinar yet. I have a feeling we are entering a time we won’t soon forget. A lot of your comments and information resonated very strongly with what I feel is approaching.

Really nice job!“ – G. J., market analyst, editor of “Observations.”

NOTE 4: MARCH 9, 2024: THE ARIES VORTEX: THIRD PHASE OF THE “NEW AIRA” with Raymond Merriman. Hosted by Astrology University. This 90 to 120-minute webinar will describe the hope for humanity as shown by the unusual planetary arrangement of 2025-2027, known as the Aries Vortex. This unique cosmic pattern involves the Saturn/Neptune conjunction at 0° Aries, on the vernal equinox point that marks the start of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also the midpoint of the Uranus/Pluto trine, creating a “funnel,” or “vortex,” highlighting 0° Aries. This is of huge and symbolic importance to the world and aligns with other significantly critical economic and socio-cultural time cycles. The cost is only $30 if registered before March 7! For further information and registration, click here.

 NOTE 5: THE MMA WEEKLY YouTube show, Geocosmic Week in Review and Look Ahead, with Gianni Di Poce, is conducted on Wednesday evenings! Each 5- to 20-minute FREE episode reviews the previous week’s market activity and offers a preview of the geocosmic signatures in effect for the coming week and beyond.

 NOTE 6: MMA’S FREE WEEKLY COLUMN PODCAST IS AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY, APPLE, AND AMAZON! Now you can listen to a podcast of this weekly column by Thomas Miller on Saturdays! Just follow Merriman Market Analyst on Spotify or Apple to listen to all our episodes. A new podcast episode will be released every weekend. This is a FREE service and is available to everyone. Check out our podcasts on Apple, Spotify, and Apple Music. It makes for great listening!


 March 9, 2024: THE ARIES VORTEX: THIRD PHASE OF THE “NEW AIRA” with Raymond Merriman. Hosted by Astrology University. The cost is $30 if registered before March 7! For further information, click here.

March 16, 2024, 1:00 PM EDT: OPTIONS STRATEGIES FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS webinar with Derek Panaia and hosted by Raymond Merriman. The cost to attend is $95, and a participant should have a basic understanding of options before attending this presentation. To register, click here.

April 20, 2024: “FORECASTS 2024 AND THE APPROACHING ARIES VORTEX,” Nova Southwestern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, with Ray Merriman. An in-person, live event and workshop, 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM, with a 90-minute lunch break. We will also update financial markets that are likely to be at critical stages in their cycles then, which is pertinent since it is also when the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is taking place. The cost is $95. This is one of the few live in-person events Ray will give this year. This event will not be broadcast via Zoom, but recordings will be made available for sale a few days afterwards. For further information and registration, please click here.

September 19-22, 2024: MMA’s 2024 Investment Retreat. SAVE THE DATES!!! We will be hosting our 2024 Investment Retreat in Europe for the first time since 2015. You won’t want to miss this chance to meet with the top MMA analysts (plus special guest speakers Claude Weiss and Aleksandar Imsiragic) live and hear our long-term investment and wealth-building strategies using MMA market timing methods. There is nothing quite like a life-altering MMA Investment Retreat! This one will be very special, and it will be our first investment retreat in Europe since 2015! The location is the beautiful Lake Bled, Slovenia, a premier (and affordable) destination in the Julian Alps, with a historic castle nestled in the mountains. More information and the opportunity to sign up early will be released in two weeks. Stay tuned, as registration is limited for those who want to attend in person.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose: The purpose of this column is not to forecast the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language. This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will often cite what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author’s understanding of how these signatures may affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from the perspective of a cycles analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world. It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand the psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and their potential effect on financial markets.

 No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers of this column assume any responsibility whatsoever for anyone’s trading or investment decisions. Readers of this report should understand that commodity futures and options trading are considered high risk.