FAR Add-on with Galactic Trader Real Time Version 4.10


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FAR (The Financial Astrological Research) program now includes the solar/lunar weighted values calculations for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Gold, and Silver as reported in Ray Merriman’s books on the subject – The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing: Solar-Lunar Correlations to Short-Term Trading Reversals, Solar/Lunar Keys to Gold Prices: Secrets of a Gold Trader, and The Sun, Moon, and Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader. This incredible software program has all the features and customer support qualities that traders and market analysts expect from a first-class charting system. Price charts can be created from all the well-known data vendors, like CSI, Metastock, Computrac, TC-2000, Signal, S&P Comstock, Reuters, Knight-Ridder, Bloomberg, Quote.com, and most others. FAR for the Galactic Trader is an elegant program that is the perfect blend of advanced windows-based technology, sophisticated market timing tools, and the most popular technical studies. It can also operate with the popular Fibonacci Trader program, created by Market Wizard Robert Krausz. Some of the many features include:

  • List of Level One, Two, or Three Stock Signatures, as reported in The Ultimate Book on
    Stock Market Timing, Vol. 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles, as well as The Gold
    Book: Geocosmic Correlations to Gold Price Cycles. These signatures can be highlighted right
    onto the price chart.
  • Filtered Wave Research allows the user to instantly isolate highs and lows of a user-defined
    percentage move, then do a quantitative or weighted value analysis of geocosmic factors that
    were in effect at those times. This will then reveal to the user which factors have an unusually
    high (or low) historical rate of occurrence to reversals in any given financial, commodity, or
    stock market. An exceptional tool for a short-term position trader.
  • Big Range Days, or Volatility Studies allows the user to instantly identify specific dates in
    the past that have been “big range days.”The program will then do a quantitative or weighted
    value analysis of geocosmic factors that were in effect on those days. This will reveal to the
    user which geocosmic combinations have an unusually high (or low) historical rate of
    occurrence to “big range days” in the future in any given financial, commodity, or stock
    market. An exceptional tool for day traders!
  • Create Your Own Research allows the user to manually isolate any lows or highs he/she
    thinks are important. The program will then do a quantitative or weighted value analysis of
    geocosmic factors that were in effect on those days. This will reveal to the user which
    geocosmic combinations have an unusually high (or low) historical rate of occurrence to
    these types of highs or low in the future in any given financial, commodity, or stock market.
    An exceptional tool for market timing researchers!
  • And it doesn’t end there. Applications for short-term timing of the DIJA, Gold, and Silver prices are also included in the newest feature called “MMA Solar/Lunar Weighted Values.”  These studies are based on the three books by Raymond Merriman on the correlation of 4% or greater market reversals based on the Sun/Moon combinations in effect on any day. And with the Galactic Trader, you also have available several dozen technical studies which can be applied to any chart.
  • With the Galactic Trader, you also have available several dozen technical studies which can be applied to any chart. Thus, with the FAR program, you can create a time band for likely market turns. With the technical tools of Galactic Trader, you can confirm when the reversal has actually commenced. With both, you get a clear sense of how strong the reversal will be.

Immediate access to downloadable FAR manual PDF. Please allow 48 hours for software download to be available after order is placed.  The access fee of $29/year is included for the first year.