Yearly Jupiter Report
The newest personal astrology report by Raymond Merriman! Programmed by Kevin DeCapite of Luna Astrology software!
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Listen to Ray discuss the Yearly Jupiter Report
Raymond Merriman’s latest personal astrology report is essential for traders, as it details specific time periods when Jupiter’s aspects to one’s natal planets and angles can influence financial outcomes. Favorable aspects suggest success and opportunities, while challenging aspects could lead to poor decisions and potential losses. By anticipating these influences, traders can take preventive steps to maximize gains and avoid setbacks. The report spans 14 months, starting from the month before the order is placed, and provides detailed insights into Jupiter’s movements through one’s astrological chart.
This report, about 30-40 pages long, explains each Jupiter aspect, its duration, and its psychological and financial impact, offering a Trading Rating of -3 to +3 for each aspect. This rating helps predict the potential for financial gains or losses. Unique to this report is its distinction between waxing (opening) and waning (closing) aspects, which no other report offers. It even covers transits involving natal Chiron, adding another layer of insight for the trader.
Full Description
The newest personal astrology report by Raymond Merriman! Programmed by Kevin DeCapite of Luna Astrology software!
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This is the report that all traders will want! It outlines time bands during the year when Jupiter transits in aspect to one’s natal planets and angles. These are the periods when one can enjoy much success, financial gains, opportunities, social popularity, and good fortune when making harmonious aspects. Or, when under hard aspects, they outline times when one is prone to over-estimation, questionable judgment, and greater potential for losses as a result – unless you know ahead of time when these periods are in effect and can take counter measures to avoid losses due to poor decision-making.
Each report is about 30-40 pages in length and actually covers 14 months. It starts the month before your order is received, and then covers the next 13 months. During that time, Jupiter will make several major aspects to natal planets and angles. Plus it will transit through at least one house (area of life), which is highlighted during the year for potential success.
The report identifies each aspect, the time it begins and ends, what it means it terms of personal psychology, social activity, work opportunities and challenges, and trading potential. Each aspect ends with a Trading Rating of -3 to +3, where the higher the rank, the more likely one is to experience financial gains, such as through trading, sale of assets, commissions or pay raises and/or bonuses. It can indicate times to plan meetings that you want to come out well.
Note that this report is also unique because it differentiates between waxing (opening) and waning (closing) aspects. No other report makes this distinction in the type of sextile, square or trines made by transits to natal planets. And these include aspects to natal Chiron as well!.
As a disclosure, this report only deals with Jupiter transits. It does not cover Saturn or outer planets in transit to the natal points, which can alter the Jupiter interpretation if and when they overlap. Even so, if under a hard transit from other planets, a favorable transit from Jupiter can offer a period of gain in the midst of the other challenges taking place.
The report is a PDF that will be delivered via email.
Here is an example of a Jupiter transit making a waning trine to a natal Venus:
Waning trine: This is an excellent time to socialize with those you enjoy and to meet interesting and attractive people at social events. You are likely to receive invitations at this time to such events or celebrations, and it would be a good idea to accept them. It is also a favorable time to host a large social event, even for a charitable cause, for it will tend to be a great success. You may meet many people who are interested in your work or in establishing a friendship with you, perhaps even with a romantic opportunity.
You will likely have an abundance of goodwill and positive experiences now. Love and romance are highlighted if you are available. Or you may share a romantic and memorable adventure with your partner. Plan a long-distance trip to an exotic location. If you prefer to travel with a group of friends, that’s fine too. But wherever you go, keep an eye out for romance if you are interested.
Money flows easily now as well. At work, you may receive a bonus or pay raise. If you work for yourself, your products or services are in demand, and along with that comes an increase in revenues. This is a growth period for you, professionally speaking.
You may also be the recipient of a gift of value from someone who appreciates you and/or what you do. This is a time to be grateful and appreciative, as well as to be appreciated by those who like or love you. If you have something of value to sell, this is a good time to do so, especially if you have owned it a long time and if you have been thinking of selling it because it has appreciated so much in value.
Overall, you feel generally very good, happy, and confident. Everything is going well, life is good, and you have many opportunities to succeed in whatever you choose to do. Your popularity is at a high. Everyone enjoys your company. This is also true for family members. In fact, there may be a new addition to the family. Perhaps a sibling is getting married. Perhaps you are!
It is a favorable time to buy something for yourself as well, especially if it is fashionable and makes you look and feel good. But you will probably feel good in any event, as your attitude tends to be optimistic. You are an engaging storyteller at this time as well, so do not hesitate to share past experiences with others, especially if they were part of those experiences. So, all in all, make the most of this period and initiate (or accept invitations to) enjoyable activities, especially with those whom you know and love.
Ranking of Financial and Trading Potential: +3