Pouyan Zolfagharnia
Editor of the MMA Monthly Cycles Plus+ Report
Contributor of the MMA Monthly Cycles Report, the MMA Weekly Comments, and Trade Recommendations
Pouyan Zolfagharnia is one of the top graduates of Merriman Market Timing Academy from the class of 2021-22. He is an MMA analyst contributing to several of the MMA subscription reports, including the MMA Monthly Cycles Report and the MMA Weekly Comments and Trade Recommendations. Pouyan is the editor of the mid-term addendum to the monthly MMA Monthly Cycles Report, the MMA Monthly Cycles Plus+ Report. In these reports, he covers a range of markets including Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, and the NASDAQ. He also covers the DAX report to our subscribers of the MMA Monthly Cycles Report written in German.
Pouyan was born in Iran and moved to the UK in 1990. He holds an undergraduate degree in Accounting & Finance from Lancaster University. He is also a qualified CA and Fellow with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He currently runs his own investment and property development company.
Pouyan is an exceptional market analyst as well as a talented graphics designer. His use of graphic designs creates a more visual approach to understanding current market conditions in the monthly MMA Monthly Cycles Plus+ Report, which many readers appreciate.
Pouyan holds a firm belief that, with an understanding of geocosmic cycles, we can use the harmony and balance within the Macrocosm to understand what may appear to be a chaotic world around us.